Accessibility Statement
Socially Distant Art aims to make digital accessibility foundational to our web presence, cohort interactions, and exhibitions.
Instead of viewing additional elements of accessibility like accommodations for only specific groups of people, our shared goal is to create multiple ways of engaging with our artwork and residency projects. These layered modes of interaction include poetic and inventive approaches to image and audio description, alt-text, and digital presentation, while still staying true to the original purpose of the accessibility features.
As a whole, we are working towards a program that is inspired by universal design principles, and consider digital accessibility as an essential accompaniment to our artwork presentation and our interactions (with the public, as well as within the cohort.) We hope universal design can help us create a more rounded and fulfilling experience for our audience and ourselves. This is a creative exercise that enriches our art practices, and hopefully builds upon work that is already being done within the Disability community.
Through this, we hope to create accessibility features that complement and expand upon our artwork, but still center the needs of those in the Disability community who require these features to engage with the work.
Access is a Process
Socially Distant Art works constantly to improve our site and community engagement. We believe it is our collective moral obligation to provide seamless, accessible and unhindered use for disabled people. Despite our efforts to make all pages and content on our website fully accessible, some content may not have yet been fully adapted to the strictest accessibility standards. This may be a result of not having found or identified the most appropriate technological solution. If you are experiencing difficulty with any content on the Socially Distant Art website or require assistance with any part of our site, please contact us and we will be happy to assist. We are always glad to hear feedback and learn about new opportunities to improve accessibility.