Bria Nelson
She | Her | Hers
Yonkers, NY | Occupying the unceded lands of the Munsee Lenape peoples
Artist Statement
My art is about capturing what I feel in that moment. Drawing and photographing what I want without boundaries, being free. I take photographs because it's something I've wanted to do since I was a kid. My photography focuses on landscapes and portrait photography, I've photographed friends and strangers. I’ve enjoyed photographing them because of their beautiful facial expressions and movements; I never want them to change. I draw because it's how I express my creativity and relieve stress, it helps me feel. When I look at my art I smile at what I've created and think about what I can do to push myself in the future. There are some artists that inspire my work such as Diane Arbus and Michael Kenna. Michael Kenna's work inspires me to capture amazing landscape photographs focusing on lighting and structure. Diane Arbus photograph of “The Child with a toy hand grenade in Central Park, N.Y.C. “ inspires me to take more portrait photographs hoping to catch the humor and seriousness of life.
| Image Description: Bria Nelson takes a black and white photo of her own lap and legs while sitting down. In the foreground of the image, a piece of plaid fabric is draped over Bria’s left leg. She is wearing torn jeans, and a pair of sneakers with flame decals on the side. |
Artist Bio
My name is Bria Nelson. I'm 23 years old and the only girl out of three boys. I’m originally from Mount Vernon but now live in Yonkers. I attended Westchester Community College and studied visual arts. Where I received my Associates Degree in Visual Arts. At WCC I participated in the 2018 Student Art Show. my art was also published in the International Voices 2018.I have some basic skills in Photoshop and Bridge. I'm not producing my art anywhere currently other than my photography page on Instagram and I have some work on my WordPress. I'm looking for other opportunities that help me expand my art. I'm currently acting as my 8-year-old brother's art teacher during this time of quarantine.