Sherry Muyuan He

She | Her | Hers

New York, NY | Occupying the unceded lands of the Munsee Lenape peoples

Artist Statement

Growing up with learning disabilities, I acquired my language skills later than my peers. Therefore, non-text visuals have been something I rely on to understand the world for a long time. As I build my verbal communication skills, I wonder how visual art makes the information in our world more accessible. I also wonder how images could surpass the language barriers and foster more empathy among people who grow up differently. Culture and language diversity is the theme of my recent works. I interviewed people in various countries about their favorite food. I illustrated each dish and turned them into pop-up books. Since then I have been leading workshops that teach people paper engineering by making food-themed pop-up books. Since moving to New York, I have started learning different languages to analyze how one’s native language impacts their learning style. While intrigued by the culture embedded, the simple process of studying the writing system can open up so many conversations about our similarities and differences. Therefore, I have started designing board games that help people to learn different scripts such as Arabic, Thai and Japanese.

The artist, seen from behind, reaching up and drawing multitudes of dancing cats on a white wall.

| Image Description: Seen from behind, the artist is reaching up and drawing multitudes of dancing cats on a white wall. The cats are drawn as black outlines with stylized lines of movement surrounding them, reminiscent of the work of Keith Haring. |

Artist Bio

Sherry is a designer and community-based artist in New York City. She has earned her MFA from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. She is currently teaching art at the City College of New York in Harlem. She also runs workshops at the Center for Book Arts in Manhattan.

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