Community Events

Calendar + Recordings

Event Calendar

Event recordings can be found in the section below this calendar or in the event posting itself. To find past event postings, simply navigate through the calendar to the event date and click on the posting.

 Community Event + Workshop Recordings

Types of Community Events

For a month-to-month schedule of our workshops and community events, please see our Program Information page.

  • Based on Accessibility and Disability Justice topics put into an arts context via Zoom (recorded and accompanied by guide.) Some of the topics include:

    • Why Accessibility? Why Art?

    • Beyond Land Acknowledgements

    • Describing Your Artwork (Alt text and Image Descriptions)

    • Captioning + Transcription

    • Audio Description

    • Accessible Virtual Events

    • Exhibition Design

  • Casual discussions (over zoom) based on a specific topic related to the Arts. These will be led by community members on a volunteer basis.

  • Once every three months we have a community “town hall” gathering, when we brainstorm ideas for collaborative projects and discuss ways to improve the program.

Are you interested in leading or co-leading an Art Dialogue, Accessibility Workshop, or other community event?

We are always looking for community members who would like to lead one of our art dialogues or open studio hours. If you are interested please fill out our Event Lead form and we will reach out with more information! The roles available for Event Leads are Art Dialogue Discussion Lead, Accessibility Workshop Co-facilitator, Featured Resident and Featured Resident Assistant.

Art Dialogue Discussion Lead

Our Art Dialogues are casual group discussions centered around an art, culture, and/or Disability Justice related topic. Discussion leads choose a topic, help write an event posting, and lead the Art Dialogue over zoom. Most discussion leads come with a few prompt questions for the group, and help moderate the conversation, though the dialogues are intended to be relatively informal and open to all members of the SDA community. Discussion leads can also share related recommended articles, videos, or podcasts before or after the zoom meeting, if they like.

Featured Resident | Asynchronous Open Studio Hours

If you would like to share your artwork or creative practice with the community and/or discuss some ideas you are working through, this is a great opportunity! In order to provide a flexible environment for residents to share their work and discuss idea with the cohort, we will have week-long Featured Residents who will have the opportunity to:

  • have their work highlighted on our website and social media;

  • share their work with the cohort via an asynchronous presentation, so other residents can offer ideas, provide feedback, and connect about collaborations;

  • work with another resident - a Featured Resident Assistant - to find solutions to accessibility, technical or presentation related concerns.

Featured Residents can choose the goals of the week-long period to fit their needs; residents can include a recorded presentation (artist talk) and request feedback or ideas from the cohort via comments on a google slide presentation, community area blog post, and/or slack.

Featured Resident Assistant

These Event Leads work with the resident who is sharing their work during a week-long period to determine their preferred format, assist with writing an event posting, help resolve accessibility or technical questions, and moderate any asynchronous group discussion of the resident’s work. Assistants also work with the Featured Resident and SDA leadership to ensure that the workshare presentation is as accessible as possible; this includes collaborating with the featured resident to meet each other’s access needs during the planning process and event. (Much of the assisting will be done in the few weeks prior to the “Feature Resident week” while the featured resident is preparing their presentation, recording, etc.) This role is designed to be an aid for finding solutions to issues that arise - the Featured Resident will be creating the presentation themselves.

Accessibility Workshop Co-facilitator

We are planning several synchronous workshops that explore accessibility practices in an arts context. We plan to offer this series of workshops on a yearly cycle, and to expand and improve upon them as our community develops. We are seeking residents who might like to co-facilitate a workshop based on their interests and accessibility knowledge. This idea is still a work in progress.